Student Manual
You Are Here: Green Belt

Green Belt 6th Kup
PATTERN – Won Hyo 28 movements
Won hyo was the noted monk that introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year 686 A.D.
New Techniques
- Side Punch
(Yop Jirugi)
- Circular Block
(Dolli Myo Makgi)
- Fixed Stance
(Gojung Sogi)
- Ready Bending Stance
(Guburyo Sogi)
- Outer Forearm Guarding Block
(Bakat palmok daebi makgi)
- Low section X-fist block
(Gyocha joomuk najunde makgi)
- Twin vertical punch
(Sang sewo jirugi)
- Palm Heel Block
(Sonbadak makgi)
- Upward Kick with the knee (Knee strike)
(Murup Ollyo chagi)
- Twin Upset Punch
(Sang dwijibo jirugi)
Power Test Techniques
1: Knife-hand strike to target at 45 degree angle
2: Left and right turning kick to target at 45 degree angle.
Power Tests are judged on
1: Proper technique
2: Correct striking tool
3: Proper posture
4: Accuracy
5: Destruction of target
2-Step Sparring – Ibo Matsoki
2 Step Sparring – Ibo Matsoki
Attacking and Defending
(The attacker starts by making a left low forearm block with right leg back in walking stance and makes a kihap. The defender, in parallel ready stance, then kihaps back to show they are ready to begin.)
Number 1
Attacker: Right walking stance, right obverse middle punch.
Defender: Left walking stance, left inner forearm middle block
Attacker: Make a low front snap kick (Ap Cha Busigi) with your left leg, left walking stance.
Defender: Move your left leg back into walking stance, make a X fist pressing block (Kyocha Joomuk Noollo
To counter make a twin vertical punch (Sang Sewo Jirugi) to your opponent’s cheekbones. Pivot anti-clockwise
on your left leg sliding back on the diagonal, guarding block.
Number 2
Attacker: Move your right leg forward into fixed stance, make a side punch (Yop Jirugi). – right hand.
Defender: Move your right leg back into L stance, palm heel block (Sonbadak Makgi). – left hand.
Attacker: Make a turning kick with your left leg, land left leg forward in walking stance.
Defender: Move your left leg back into L stance, make an outer forearm low section block – right hand.
To counter slide your right leg forward and make a side elbow thrust (Yop Palkup Tulgi) to your opponent’s solar plexus. Pivot anti-clockwise on your left leg sliding back on the diagonal, Right L stance guarding block.
Number 3
Attacker: Make a front kick with your right leg, land right leg forward in walking stance.
Defender: Move your right leg back into walking stance, make a X fist pressing block.
Attacker: Move your left leg forward into walking stance, make a twin vertical punch.
Defender: Move your left leg back into walking stance, make an outer forearm wedging block.
To counter make a left knee kick (Murup Chagi) to your opponent’s solar plexus, as you make the kick pull your opponents shoulders forwards and downwards. Land left leg back in L stance, guard up. Place your foot down and slide back into Left L stance guarding block.
Number 4
Attacker: Move your right leg forward into walking stance, make a flat fingertip thrust (Opun Sonkut Tulgi).
Defender: Move your right leg back into walking stance, make a knifehand rising block.
Attacker: With your left leg make a side kick (yop-chagi).
Defender: Move your left leg back into L stance, make an inward palm block.
To counter make a front snap kick with your right leg to your opponent’s coccyx (base of spine), land in walking stance and make a twin upset punch (Sang Dwijibo Jirugi) towards your opponent’s kidneys. Slide backwards in right L stance guarding block.
Number 5
Attacker: Front Kick with the right leg land in walking stance.
Defender: Right walking stance, low section X-fist pressing block.
Attacker: Left walking stance, middle section obverse punch.
Defender: Evade by pivoting on rear leg to a 45 degree angle to the attacker, Right L stance outer forearm guarding block.
Counter: Right turning kick to solar plexus, right walking stance, right hand back fist strike. Pivot on your left leg anti-clockwise to a 45 degree, Right L stance guarding block.
Number 6
Attacker: Right fixed stance, make a side fist strike (Yop Joomuk Taerigi) with the right arm.
Defender: Right L stance, palm heel block with (left hand)
Attacker: Step Left to Right, execute a front hook kick to the opponents head.
Defender: Left L stance, high section outer forearm block (right hand)
Counter: Jumping upwards to strike opponent with right knife hand strike to the neck, land and immediately slide backwards into Left L stance outer forearm guarding block.
Number 7
Attacker: Left L stance, knife-hand strike with (right hand)
Defender: Left L stance, knife-hand middle section block (right hand)
Attacker: Pivot on your front leg and execute a left back side kick.
Defender: Right L stance, low section outer forearm block (left hand)
Counter: Jumping upwards to strike opponent with left hand knife-hand strike to the neck, land and immediately slide backwards into Right L stance outer forearm guarding block.
Pattern: Won-Hyo
Movements – 28
1.Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B while executing a twin forearm block.
2.Execute a high inward strike to B with the right knife-hand while bringing the left side fist in front of the right shoulder, maintaining a right L-stance toward B.
3. Execute a middle punch to B with the left fist while forming a left fixed stance toward B, slipping the left foot to B.
4. Bring the left foot to the right footand then move the right foot to A, forming a left L-stance toward A while executing a twin forearm block.
5. Execute a high inward strike to A with the left knife-hand while bringing the right side fist in front of the left shoulder, maintaining a left L-stance toward A.
6. Execute a middle punch to A with the right fist while forming a right fixed stance toward A, slipping the right foot to A.
7. Bring the right foot to the left foot and then turn the face toward D while forming a right bending ready stance A toward D.